Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Seeking after the real Jesus

Who was Jesus? Really, who was He? First, I'll be clear that I'm not sitting here on the blog questioning my faith. I believe in Jesus as the Son of God, my Lord and Savior. I believe He came to earth through a virgin womb, walked among us for some thirty-three years, died on a cross so I wouldn't have to, and rose again to life eternal after three lonely days. But that's kind of where what I know to be true comes to a screeching halt and what I think I probably know begins to drive. That's not okay with me anymore.

For so long, I've been fed a western worldview of the man, an image painted in light of my own culture. The picture I have of Jesus that hangs on my wall is a pale man with long curly hair. He looks remarkably like I would if I'd grow my hair out, though his nose is a bit different. Seriously, Jesus looks just like me. That is, according to the painting on my wall. Amazingly enough, most pictures of Jesus do not depict a very Jewish looking man. Odd, considering that's exactly what He was. Jesus was about as American as I am Jewish. For those wondering, that's not at all.

I'm reminded of a book I read recently called "Imaginary Jesus" by Matt Mikalatos. This book is the story of a man who one day discovers that the Jesus he follows isn't the real Jesus at all, so he sets out on a mission to find the real Son of God. Throughout the story, he meets apostles, Mormons, and several impostors who claim to be Jesus, but are shallow and two-dimensional. Among them are Legalistic Jesus, Perpetually Angry Jesus, and Magic 8 Ball Jesus. It is an odd book to say the least, but the overall point is clear. We've been sold something incomplete. I want the real deal.

Some may say I'm on shaky ground. Let them say it. I'm sick of understanding Jesus as my world would have me understand Him. I'm just shy of fed up with looking at the Son of God as He is imagined in my church, and in your church, too. I don't want to imagine Him. I want to KNOW Him. After all, that's what He wants. 

In Matthew 15:3, Jesus has asked me a tough question. "And why do you, by your traditions, violate the direct commandments of God?" I know in many ways I've fallen short simply because I've accepted what I've been told rather than what the Bible is clear on. God has spoken, and I've tried to make a fool of Him by waiting for Him to speak again. What is said, is said. Jesus didn't 'un-say' anything. His word stands eternal. Why am I waiting for something more, something bold, something direct? I've already been told, haven't I? My Bible is pretty clear that there are things I should do that I'm not.

All this being said, it's time I share with you the crux of the matter. I have purposed to spend some pretty heavy time in the Bible, and particularly the four gospels and the first few verses of Acts. Also, I'll have to visit the first bit of Revelation. I'm looking for the red letters, the words of Christ and their direct context. I have no idea how long this will take, and I don't know exactly who I am going to find, but I'm looking for Jesus. I will not be surprised to find out that He ins't exactly who I have thought all these years. As a matter of fact, I think I'll be pleasantly surprised.

So as of now, I purpose to know nothing about this Jesus who I claim to love and follow. I'm laying aside... no... I'm discarding all my preconceived notions about Him. I'm forgetting what I've been taught in order to learn what He taught. And as I learn at the feet of the Master, I'll share here with you. To say that this will be a series on the life of Christ would be a stretch. This is more than a series: it is an adventure.

I'm off! If you are inclined, pray for me that God would guide me on this journey. Pray that Jesus Himself will open my heart to the truth of His word, of His nature, and of His goodness. I'm standing on the promise in Matthew 7:8, that "everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." I'm asking, seeking, and knocking. If God Himself will not deliver, than He proves Himself a liar and indeed not even God. And I know Him well enough to know that this isn't the case.

You may think I'm crazy. That's cool. Just remember, there is a fine line between the heretic and the revolutionary. I only pray that I'm on the right side of that line.

Ryan Saffer
Community Site Coordinator

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